Widely acclaimed as a “Teacher`s Teacher” Kulapathi Dr.s. Balakrishna joshi, was a towering educationalist ,whose yeoman services to the causes of education spanned more than six decades. A distinguished educationist of our times , he continues to be held in very high esteem for his esteem for his scholarship ,integrity and piety especially by the academia.

Born on 10th february ,1910 and graduating in 1929, he joined in the same year as a teacher the Hindu Theological School,chennai,his alma mater.He served there for 41 years : 15years (1929 – 1944 ) as a teacher and 26 years (1944- 1970) as a distinguished Headmaster. His years of service were marked by singular devotion and professional excellence: indeed teaching was his sacred call and he gave it his all.

Even after retirement ,he continued to contribute to the cause of education ,as his services were sought from many quarters including government departments and education ministry`s extended arms .He was the founder - principle of great institutions such as D.A.V.Higher secondary school , Sindhi Model school etc., and was the educational advisor for very many institutions of repute .His years of selfless and meritorious service earned him the title ‘Kulapathi’(a respectful appellation accorded, during the ancient times of india, to great preceptors who nurtured and moulded more than ten thousand students in 1964),from no less than his holiness Sri chandrasekharendra saraswathi swami of kanchi kamakoti peetam. Honours from across the national border also adorned him: the world university ,Tunson ,USA Conferred on him an honorary doctrate; the international lions club honoured him with “Melvin Jones Fellowship Award” in 1986 .A fine orator noted for his eloquence , choice diction and clarity of thoughts , Dr .Joshi was a prolific writer too. He published many articles and authored three monumental works on education.

EDUCATION IN PRACTISE with a foreword by Dr.S. Radhakrishnan ,Former president of india ,REFLECTIONS ON EDUCATION with a foreword by Dr.D.S.Reddy ,Vice – president of Osmania University,EDUCATIONAL REHABILITATION with a foreword by Dr.S.V. Chittibabu ,Vice – Chancellor of Madras and Annamalai Universities.

He had the privilage of the association and goodwill of many great personalities like Dr.S.Radhakrishnan ,Dr.Zakir Hussain,Dr.V.V.Giri, Sri Prakasam , Sri Prakasam,Sri .S.L.Khurana,Sri R.Venkataraman to name a few.

Though Joshiji left us in 1992 and no more with us physically,his ideals and life continue to inspire us .His life was emblematic of our school motto: Love,Learn,Sacrifice. Indeed our institution derives its vision and inspiration from his life – A life sublime. His exemplary life takes us to the ponder point:Shall we too, attempt to make our life sublime?

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Principal V Janaki
Senior Secondary School
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KG 1 to Grade 12
Mixed (Co-Education)