KBJG aspires to be a school where every student is nurtured to realize his potential ,where there is an atmosphere of joyous learning , responsibility to society, dedication,commitment and compassion.


We at KBJG zealously promote


  • We are committed to provide quality education with specialized academic excellence in developing the personality of the child with leadership qualities.
  • We are committed for continual improvement in the quality management system through empowering our staff for total satisfaction of students and their guardians
  • ACTUALIZATION OF TALENT: By providing opportunities for the development of multiple intelligencies,be it in sports and arts.
  • GLOBAL CITIZENS: By educating students to be forward thinking and open minded,an awareness of environmental issues,the need for mediation and dialogue in the process of peace, a commitment to community service,tolerance and inclusiveness.
  • PASTORAL CARE: By providing emotional and spirtual support,leadership programs, life skills workshops,confidence building opportunities sterling life long values and traditions.